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Example 10x10 2-star puzzle

Welcome to Star Battles!

Welcome to Puzzle Baron's Star Battles! We've got more than 50,000 unique puzzles here for you to solve. You can play for fun, or register a free account and compete against other players for the Star Battles Hall of Fame!

How to Play

Each Star Battle board has a specific number of stars indicated at the top-right corner of every board (i.e. 1 star, 2 stars or 3 stars). Your task is to complete the puzzle board in such a way so that the correct number of stars appears in every row, column and outlined shape, without any two stars touching each other, even diagonally. Every puzzle has one, and only one, unique answer that will satisfy these requirements, and each solution can be reached using pure logic (trial and error is never required).

Rules of Play

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Competition Timer
  • TJ4194 TJ4194 set a new record of 107 seconds on puzzle #448317
    March 28, 2025, 3:22 pm
  • iportla iportla set a new record of 26 seconds on puzzle #442718
    March 28, 2025, 2:16 pm
  • cmurda cmurda set a new record of 96 seconds on puzzle #440250
    March 28, 2025, 2:12 pm
  • AnthC1 AnthC1 set a new record of 14 seconds on puzzle #431296
    March 28, 2025, 1:32 pm
  • beeron beeron set a new record of 111 seconds on puzzle #445964
    March 28, 2025, 1:04 pm
  • AnthC1 AnthC1 set a new record of 15 seconds on puzzle #444956
    March 28, 2025, 12:52 pm
February's Winners